IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - iman wardingarri logo wht icon
IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - iman wardingarri logo wht icon

IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - icon cross x4 orange

Achieving Our Future Objectives

Wardingarri Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC), is incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island) Act 2006 (Commonwealth) and managed by traditional owners, elders, and community members.

  • Honesty
  • Courage
  • Integrity
  • iman-wardingarri-aunty-heather-tobane
  • Honesty
  • Courage
  • Integrity

The decisions and actions we take are guided by respect, and an acknowledgment of the individuals and places on our country, whilst at the same time considering the needs of both others, and our IMAN people.

Our vision is to build stronger relationships, incorporating transparent and respectful communication with the IMAN community, and external stakeholders, that will be both representative of our cultural identity and support our communities’ aspirations for future development.

Assisting Our Community

We assist our community in three key areas — financial support for our people, organised events, and training for members. We also provide ongoing opportunities in conjunction with external organisations.

IMAN Members Making Change

When you become a member of the IMAN people, you gain access to a framework that supports individuals and enables them to thrive within our community. We also provide a platform for members to keep up to date with all matters related to the IMAN people, from native title matters and community events.

IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - icon cross x2 orange

Working With Organisations

We are committed to liaising with external organisations and businesses, like Shell, QGC, and Santos, in order to provide ongoing opportunities for IMAN people within our traditional country.

We encourage organisations and businesses to get in touch with us to discuss opportunities, and for our IMAN people, contact us for current listings.

We encourage organisations and businesses to get in touch with us to discuss opportunities, and for our IMAN people to view current job listings with external providers.

  • IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - iman wardingarri logo full icon
  • IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 6
  • IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 4
  • IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 5
  • IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 2
  • IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 1

Working With Organisations

We are committed to liaising with external organisations and businesses, like Shell, QGC, and Santos, in order to provide ongoing opportunities for IMAN people within our traditional country.

IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 5
IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 1
IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 3
IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 2
IMAN Wardingarri Aboriginal Corporation - workstar profile 6
Helping to empower IMAN native title holders and their community to reach their full potential.

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